Connecting Discovered with Handshake
With Discovered’s email-to-apply feature, you can automatically add job applicants from Handshake directly into your job postings in Discovered. This process connects your job on Handshake to Discovered, so when a new applicant submits their information, it’s seamlessly added as a candidate to your job in Discovered.
Key Steps
- Copy the email-to-apply address from the job in Discovered.
- In Handshake, go to Teammates, click Add Teammate Manually, paste the email address, and create a new user (representing the job).
- Post the job in Handshake by creating a new job, filling in the details, and selecting "On Handshake" as the application method. Under "Additional required documents on Handshake", ensure the "CV" checkbox below is checked.
- Set the new user you added as the job owner and ensure the "Send email when a candidate applies" option is selected.
- Review the job details and post the job.
Cautionary Notes
- Ensure the email address copied from Discovered is pasted accurately in Handshake to avoid errors in receiving applications.
- Double-check the settings in Handshake to ensure that applicants are required to submit their CV or resume when applying.
Tips for Efficiency
- Use descriptive names for the user representing the job in Handshake to easily identify the job associated with the email address.
- Regularly check the email notifications from Handshake to confirm and import applicants promptly.
- Confirm the email account in Handshake to ensure a seamless transfer of applicants to Discovered.