Connecting Discovered with Handshake

With Discovered’s email-to-apply feature, you can automatically add job applicants from Handshake directly into your job postings in Discovered. This process connects your job on Handshake to Discovered, so when a new applicant submits their information, it’s seamlessly added as a candidate to your job in Discovered.

Key Steps

  1. Copy the email-to-apply address from the job in Discovered.
  2. In Handshake, go to Teammates, click Add Teammate Manually, paste the email address, and create a new user (representing the job).
  3. Post the job in Handshake by creating a new job, filling in the details, and selecting "On Handshake" as the application method. Under "Additional required documents on Handshake", ensure the "CV" checkbox below is checked.
  4. Set the new user you added as the job owner and ensure the "Send email when a candidate applies" option is selected.
  5. Review the job details and post the job.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure the email address copied from Discovered is pasted accurately in Handshake to avoid errors in receiving applications.
  • Double-check the settings in Handshake to ensure that applicants are required to submit their CV or resume when applying.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Use descriptive names for the user representing the job in Handshake to easily identify the job associated with the email address.
  • Regularly check the email notifications from Handshake to confirm and import applicants promptly.
  • Confirm the email account in Handshake to ensure a seamless transfer of applicants to Discovered.