Job Mailbox (Email-To-Apply)


With your job posting's Job Mailbox, resumes of candidates can be emailed directly to the job posting and then automatically added to your pipeline. This feature particularly comes in handy if you have your job posted to a job board that we do not currently integrate with directly. If you set up your job mailbox email address as a recipient of notifications about your job on a different job board, Discovered can still intake those candidates despite not being integrated with the job board.

Key Steps

  1. Go to the job posting and navigate to the Find and Evaluate Talent tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Tools for Sourcing Candidates section.
  3. Locate the card labeled as Copy Job Mailbox and click the copy button.
  4. On your specialized job board, set up your job posting to to send notifications to this email address.
  5. Upon receiving the notification, the system will download the attached file, process it as a resume, and add the candidate to the job posting in Discovered.

Cautionary Notes

  • Make sure notifications are set up to go out specifically to this email address on the other job boards you are using it on. Sometimes small details like an extra checkbox can be overlooked, which will prevent the candidates from coming into Discovered.

Setting Up Email-To-Apply for Indeed

Key Steps:

  1. In Discovered, click on the job you want to set up email notifications for in your account.
  2. Click on "Find and Evaluate Talent" at the top of the job page.
  3. Scroll down to the "Tools for Sourcing Candidates" section and click on "Copy Job Mailbox" to copy a special email address to your clipboard.
  4. Go to Indeed, hover over "Jobs," and click on "Managed on Indeed."
  5. Click on the three dots next to the job and select "Edit Job."
  6. Scroll down to the Settings section and click on the edit button next to "Application updates."
  7. Click on "Add email" and paste the copied email address.
  8. Check the box that says, "Plus, send an individual email update each time someone applies."
  9. Click "Done" and then "Save changes."
  10. Click on your name, then select "Employer Settings."
  11. Click on "Communications" and then "Manage candidate email" under the "New candidates email" section.
  12. Ensure "All candidate applications" is selected under "New candidate emails."
  13. Check the box for "Include candidate's resume as an attachment."
  14. Click "Save" to confirm the changes.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure that the correct email address is copied and pasted in the settings.
  • Double-check all settings and checkboxes to avoid missing any important steps.
  • Make sure to save changes after making adjustments to the email settings.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Keep the special email address handy for easy access during the setup process.
  • Follow the steps in order to avoid confusion and ensure successful email notifications.
  • Regularly check the email inbox for updates on job applications to stay informed.