Text Message Templates

Text message templates are a handy feature for streamlining communication with your candidates. These templates allow you to create reusable text messages, perfect for sending out common reminders, updates, or follow-ups. To create a template, simply add a title and message, using tokens like the candidate's first name or assessment link to personalize each message automatically. Once created, you can apply the template to individual candidates or send it in bulk.

Key Steps

  1. Access Templates: Go to the navigation bar at the top of your account and select the "Templates" button.
  2. Choose Text Message Templates Tab: Ensure you are on the text message templates tab.
  3. Create New Template: Click on "Create New" and title the template appropriately.
  4. Compose Message: Use tokens to personalize the message and avoid hard-coding information.
  5. Save Template: Save the template for future use.
  6. Edit or Delete Template: If needed, edit or delete the template from the list.
  7. Send Message: In a candidate's profile, navigate to the communications tab, select "Send text," choose a template, and send the message. Alternatively, bulk select candidates from a job and send a text message using a template.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure all phone numbers are valid before sending text messages.
  • Double-check the message content for accuracy before sending.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Use descriptive titles for templates to easily identify their purpose.
  • Utilize tokens to personalize messages without repetitive manual input.
  • Regularly review and update templates for relevance and accuracy.
  • Consider creating templates for common communication scenarios to save time.