Indeed Settings
From anywhere in the Discovered system, you can choose your profile menu – signaled by seeing your personal icon & name. Generally, this is in the top right corner of your screen but may appear in the middle depending on your screen resolution.
Once you’ve selected this option, use the dropdown to select “Settings”. By default, you will be placed on the "Company settings" tab. You will need to click on the "Indeed settings" tab at the top. NOTE: Indeed settings can only be accessed if we have activated Indeed on your company's account. If you do not see the Indeed settings tab, you will need to contact us in order to active Indeed.
If your company has an Indeed account, you can connect your Discovered account directly with your Indeed account on the Indeed settings page. Once you have connected your account, you will be able to sponsor your jobs on Indeed through Discovered. This will save you the headache of having to manage your job from both Indeed and Discovered.
NOTE: Connecting your Indeed account is not a requirement for posting your job to Indeed -- it is primarily for enabling you to manage your Indeed job sponsorships on Discovered. If Indeed has been activated on your company's account, jobs will be posted organically to Indeed even if you have not connected your Indeed account.