Managing Employees

In the Employee Talent Grader, you can easily adjust an employee’s performance ratings, assign review dates, set goals, and leave detailed comments on their profile. Whether you're tracking effectiveness, core value alignment, or goal progress, everything is visible and editable within the platform.

You can adjust scores manually on the performance chart or by dragging and dropping employees on the quadrant. Set reminders for performance reviews and use predefined goal templates to streamline performance management. Additionally, export a PDF of any employee's profile or archive and restore employees as needed, ensuring you keep track of their history even if they leave and later return to the company.

This feature is designed to make managing employee performance straightforward, helping you stay organized and responsive to your team's development.

Key Steps:

  1. Accessing Employee Talent Grader:
    • Navigate to the Employee Talent Grader by clicking on the Employees button in the navigation menu at the top of the page.
    • Locate the employee either on the chart or by expanding departments on the right and clicking on their profile.
  2. Adjusting Performance Scores:
    • Review the employee's current scores for effectiveness and core value match.
    • To adjust scores, either use the slider to increase or decrease scores, or manually drag the employee icon on the chart.
    • Click "Save" to save any changes made.
  3. Assigning Next Review Date:
    • Under the "Next review" section, click on the "Select" button to choose the next review date from options like 90 days, 6 months, 12 months, or custom.
    • Save the selected date to set the next review deadline.
  4. Setting Goals:
    • Under the "Goals" section, click on "Add Goal" to set specific goals for the employee with deadlines aligned to the next review date.
    • Add a title and description for the goal and save it.
  5. Leaving Comments:
    • Write comments on the employee's profile to note specific feedback or areas of improvement.
    • Use the "@" symbol to tag other users in the comments for notification.
  6. Exporting Profile:
    • Click on "Export" to generate a PDF of the employee's profile for sharing or printing.
  7. Archiving Employees:
    • If an employee is no longer with the company, click on "Edit Profile" and then the trash icon to archive the employee.
    • Archived employees can be viewed under the archived section and restored if needed.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure accuracy when adjusting performance scores to reflect the employee's actual performance.
  • Double-check the next review date and goal deadlines to align with performance evaluation timelines.
  • Use comments and tags responsibly for effective communication within the tool.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Utilize the slider or manual drag options based on preference for adjusting performance scores.
  • Set goals with clear and achievable objectives to track employee progress effectively.
  • Regularly review and update employee profiles to maintain accurate performance records.