Employee Talent Grader Overview

The Employee Talent Grader is a powerful tool for tracking and managing employee performance in a structured, visual format. It uses a dynamic chart to plot your employees’ effectiveness and core value alignment on a Cartesian plane, offering an at-a-glance view of where your team members stand. High performers with strong company values land in the top-right quadrant, while those struggling might appear elsewhere on the grid. You can drill down into individual employee profiles, assign goals, track performance history, and manage departments all from one central place.

Key Steps

  1. Accessing the Employee Talent Grader
    • Navigate to the top of your account and click on the Employees button in the navigation menu. This will take you to the Employee Talent Grader page.
  2. Understanding the Employee Talent Grader
    • The chart on the page is an XY Cartesian plane.
    • X-axis measures effectiveness at the job.
    • Y-axis measures core value match with the company.
    • Employees are placed on the chart based on their ratings in these categories.
  3. Interpreting the Chart
    • Top right quadrant: Effective at the job and good core value match.
    • Bottom right quadrant: Effective at the job but poor core value match.
    • Top left quadrant: Good core value match but struggling with performance.
    • Bottom left quadrant: Poor core value match and struggling with performance.
  4. Managing Employee Profiles
    • Hover over an employee to preview their effectiveness and core value match.
    • Click on their name to open their profile for more details.
    • Edit employee information, add review dates, assign goals, add comments, and view score history in the profile.
  5. Managing Departments
    • Departments can be managed by adding new departments or employees.
    • Employees can be placed on the chart by selecting a quadrant and entering their information.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure accurate ratings for effectiveness and core value match to place employees correctly on the chart.
  • Regularly update employee profiles with review dates, goals, and comments for effective performance management.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Use the chart to visualize employee performance and core value match.
  • Set review dates and assign goals to track employee progress effectively.
  • Keep department information up to date for accurate organization of employees.