Screening Question Templates
Screening question templates a convenient feature that allows you to reuse the same set of screening questions across multiple job postings. Instead of manually adding the same questions for each new job, you can create a template with frequently used questions, like asking candidates if they have specific experience or qualifications. Simply set up your template once, and when creating or editing a job, you can select the template to apply those questions automatically. This helps streamline your candidate screening process and ensures consistency in your hiring decisions.
Key Steps:
- Access Templates:
- Navigate to the top of the page in Discovered and click on the Templates button.
- Select the Screening question templates tab.
- Create New Template:
- Click on "Create New."
- Enter a title for the template (e.g., General Screening Questions).
- Add a question and choose the question type.
- Save the template.
- Edit or Delete Template:
- To edit a template, find it in the list of screening question templates and click on the edit button.
- To delete a template, locate it in the list and choose the delete option.
- Apply Template to Job Posting:
- Go to the dashboard and select the job you want to add screening questions to.
- Click on the "Find and Evaluate Talent" tab.
- Scroll down to the Screening Questions card.
- Choose the template you created from the dropdown menu.
- Review and edit the questions if needed.
- Click Submit to apply the template to the job posting.
Cautionary Notes:
- Ensure that the screening questions are relevant to the job requirements to effectively filter candidates.
- Double-check the question type and options to avoid confusion for applicants.
Tips for Efficiency:
- Create templates for commonly used screening questions to save time when creating job postings.
- Regularly review and update templates to align with changing job requirements.
- Utilize the edit function to customize screening questions for specific job postings without recreating templates.