Send application form

If your company requires that applicants fill out a formal application form, you can use the "Send application form" automation for that phase in your hiring process.

Key Steps:

  1. Go to the job posting and navigate to the Processing tab.
  2. Choose the job status to which you want to add the automation (e.g., Complete Application).
  3. Scroll down to the automations section and select the automation labeled "Send application form."
  4. Click on the button to assign the application form to the selected status.
  5. Ensure that the application form fields are set up as desired on the Find & Evaluate Talent tab of the job.
  6. Optionally, add a message to notify the candidate about filling out the form.
  7. Change the candidate status to the designated status (e.g., Complete Application) to trigger the automation.
  8. Review the Details tab of the candidate's profile to see the form once they complete it.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure that the application form fields are correctly set up to capture the required information.
  • Double-check the notification message to ensure candidates are adequately informed.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Customize the notification message to provide clear instructions to the candidate.
  • Regularly review and update the application form fields based on changing requirements.
  • Test the automation by going through the process as a candidate to ensure a smooth experience.