Organizing your Job Posts
Filter jobs by status, location, or user assignments to easily navigate your postings. You can even search for specific job posts or create new ones directly from the tab. Simplify your hiring workflow and stay on top of every job with ease.
Key Steps
- Accessing Job Posts Tab:
- Log into the Discovered account.
- Click on the "Job Posts" tab at the top of the dashboard.
- Viewing Job Postings:
- The default view shows currently active job postings.
- Explore other categories like archived, draft, paused, or all jobs.
- Archived: Past jobs that can be reopened or used for reference.
- Draft: Jobs started but not published.
- Paused: Jobs not actively seeking new candidates but still in process.
- Filtering Job Posts:
- Filter job posts by location or by users assigned to the job.
- Use location filters to view job posts specific to a location.
- Assign users to jobs and filter to view jobs assigned to specific users.
- Searching for Job Posts:
- Utilize the search function to find specific job postings by title or keyword.
- Review job post excerpts to identify the right job post.
- Creating a New Job Post:
- Click on the option to create a new job post.
- Fill in all necessary details and publish the job post.
Cautionary Notes
- Be cautious when archiving or pausing job posts, ensure it aligns with the current recruitment needs.
- Double-check all details before publishing a new job post to avoid errors.
Tips for Efficiency
- Regularly review and update job postings to keep them relevant.
- Utilize filters and search functions to quickly find and manage specific job posts.
- Assign users to jobs for better organization and collaboration within the team.