Job Description
A job description is candidate-facing and serves as an advertisement for the position and for your company. It should attract candidates to the company and make them want to apply.
Methods for Creating a Job Description
Create from Scratch
If you prefer, you can write out the job description directly in the text editor. However, this is not recommended as there are several other options that are more expedient.
Use Kingsley
Kingsley is your AI recruiting assistant. He can help you generate a world class job ad in several seconds. To get started, click on Discovered logo on the right side of the screen. This will expand out the chat interface for Kingsley. Simply tell Kingsley about the position and that you would like him to generate a job description for it, and he will generate it a few seconds later. Additionally, if you need him to modify the job advertisement after he has generated it, you can give him any instructions you want in order to do so. Feel free to iterate through this process with him until the job description is perfect.
Create from an Existing Template
If you have a template of a job description that already exists internally, you can just copy and paste it into the job description text editor. Formatting from word processors such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs will be preserved when pasted into the text editor.
Use the Job Ad Builder
Click on the "Build Job Ad" button to follow a guided seven-step process. Each step will give you a question about the job you are posting to help guide you through creating the content for your job description. After you have filled this information out, it will all be automatically combined together to form your job description.
Cautionary Notes
- If a job description is less than 100 characters long, it will not appear on your career page and it will not be posted to any of the job boards we integrate with.
- Ensure that the job description is detailed enough to attract potential candidates.
- Double-check for any formatting or content errors before publishing.
- Avoid using generic or uninspiring language that may deter candidates from applying.