
If you want to administer pre-employment assessments to a candidate at a specific phase in your hiring process, you can use the Assessments automation on status associated with that phase.

Key Steps

  1. Navigate to the job posting and go to the Processing tab.
  2. Select the desired status (e.g. Assessments).
  3. Look for the automation called "Add assessments" under the selected status.
  4. Click on the "Add assessments" button to view the assessment selector. By default, some recommended assessments may already be selected based on the job type being used on the job posting.
  5. Remove or add assessments as needed by selecting or deselecting them.
  6. Click "Next" after selecting the desired assessments.
  7. Confirm the automation has been assigned to the job posting.
  8. Assign the status to a candidate to automatically assign the assessments to the candidate.

Cautionary Notes

  • If you want to send assessments in an email to candidates, you must add a message to the status to notify them.
  • Not adding a message may result in candidates not being notified about the assigned assessments.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Customize the assessments based on the job requirements to ensure candidates are evaluated effectively.
  • Consider adding a message to the status to notify candidates about the assigned assessments for better communication.
  • Double-check the assessments assigned before assigning the status to a candidate to avoid errors.