Candidate Lists

Candidate Lists a simple and effective way to organize and share groups of candidates. Whether you're creating a custom subset of candidates based on certain criteria or sharing a list with someone outside of your hiring team, Candidate Lists makes it easy. Select candidates, add them to a new or existing list, and share the list with team members who don't have a Discovered account. They can view the profiles as guests without needing login credentials but cannot make any changes.

Key Steps

  1. Navigate to the job posting where you want to create a candidate list.
  2. Check the boxes next to the candidates you want to include in the list.
  3. Locate the "Candidate Lists" section and then select "Add to List." If you don't have an existing list, choose "Create List" and give it a relevant name based on the selection criteria.
  4. After naming the list, submit it to add the selected candidates.
  5. Go to Options on your job posting and click on "View Candidate Lists" to access the created list.
  6. Copy the list link to share it with team members who are not users in Discovered for viewing purposes only.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure that the selected candidates align with the purpose of the list to maintain organization.
  • Double-check the list name and selected candidates before submitting to avoid errors.
  • Remind team members who are not users in Discovered that they can only view information and not make changes.
  • Do not share a candidate list with anyone who should not have access to it.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Use descriptive list names to easily identify the criteria for selecting candidates.
  • Regularly update and manage candidate lists to keep them relevant and organized.
  • Encourage team members to use candidate lists for efficient collaboration and sharing of candidate information.