Email Templates
Email templates are a powerful tool that simplify repetitive email communication. They allow you to create, manage, and reuse messages for common tasks, such as sending assessments or inviting candidates to interviews. These templates can be utilized anywhere you send emails in Discovered, whether from a candidate's profile or when setting up statuses in a job posting. You can personalize templates using tokens for elements like the candidate's name, job title, or company name, making each email feel tailored.
Key Steps
- Accessing Email Templates:
- Navigate to the Templates section in the navigation menu.
- Click on the Email Templates tab.
- Creating a New Email Template:
- Click on "Create New" to start a new template.
- Provide a title for the template.
- Enter the subject and body of the email.
- Use tokens for personalization (e.g., candidate's first name).
- Assign the template to a specific job posting status template if needed.
- Editing Email Templates:
- Click on any existing email templates or search for one using the search bar.
- Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the screen.
- Edit the template title, subject, or body as needed.
- Using Email Templates:
- Access the created email templates from various sections in Discovered where emails can be sent.
- Select the appropriate template when sending out emails for consistency and efficiency.
Cautionary Notes
- Ensure that the content of the email template is relevant and appropriate for the intended purpose.
- Double-check the tokens used in the email body to ensure accurate personalization.
Tips for Efficiency
- Name email templates based on their purpose or usage to easily identify them.
- Utilize tokens for personalization to save time and make emails more engaging.
- Regularly review and update email templates to reflect any changes in communication needs.