Schedule meeting

If you want to as a candidate to schedule a meeting with you at a specific phase in your hiring process, you can use the Schedule meeting automation on status associated with that phase. This automation is more passive in that it "listens" for the event where a candidate books a meeting with you on your calendar. If that event happens, the task marked as complete. This feature adds particular value when used in combination with the "Move to another status" automation, which will wait for that task to be indicated as completed before automatically moving the candidate to another status.

Key Steps

  1. Go to the job posting and navigate to the Processing tab.
  2. Click on any status within the Processing tab or create a new status (e.g., Schedule Interview).
  3. Scroll down to the automations section and locate the "Schedule meeting" automation.
  4. Assign the "Schedule meeting" automation to the desired status.
  5. Create a message template that includes a scheduling link using the scheduling link token.
  6. Save the message template.
  7. Change the candidate's status to the designated status with the "Schedule meeting" automation.
  8. The candidate can use the scheduling link to select a meeting time from your calendar.
  9. Once the candidate schedules a meeting, the event will be marked as complete.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure that you have integrated your calendar with the system for the automation to work effectively.
  • It is strongly recommended to include a scheduling link in the message template for seamless scheduling.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Utilize message templates to streamline the communication process.
  • Regularly check candidate profiles for scheduling updates.
  • Consider combining the "Schedule Meeting" automation with the "Move to Another Status" automation for enhanced workflow automation.